Written by Dr. Bhavya

Medically reviewed by Dr Remya

Updated on February 03, 2025

Ayurvedic Principles and Strategies for Your Menopausal Stress Management

Life in the 21st century, with all the technologies, easy-to-grab items at hand, ready-made food choices, accessible travel options and a whole new world on a screen, looks so beautiful and sufficient.

Then how did the stress level of humans go from ground to sky level?

research paper quoted, "Socioeconomic stress is considered to be affecting the mental health of women."

Women, especially, are the victims of increased stress with an escalated incidence during the perimenopausal and menopausal age.  

Here is an informative description of how the Holistic science of Ayurveda will help you with menopausal stress and help you calm your nerves down.

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Understanding Menopause and Stress

The varying emotional changes that you face during menopause and perimenopause due to the significant hormonal changes contribute to your stress.

  • Physical symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, or sometimes changes in bleeding patterns and flows take a toll on you.
  • The hormonal changes during menopause influence your body's serotonin and dopamine levels, which are essential in managing your mood.
  • The difference in sleeping patterns makes you more stressed, mainly when your days get dedicated to your workplace. Although, research evidence suggests that post-menopausal women have better sleep than women in premenopause. The one thing that badly influences a menopausal woman's sleep is work stress.
  • Some stress factors may also come in due to the increased load of medications and careful life you have to lead as you embrace the menopausal changes in the body and you have concerns about ageing.
  • Stress comes into the scene even with emotional changes in your life, such as children leaving home or shifting family roles or workplace roles.

Prolonged stress can impact your overall well-being, and there are chances that your other menopausal symptoms may exacerbate. 

With this, you need a change in your life and lifestyle, as evidence suggests that a proper supportive social environment, physical activity, and lifestyle habits give a positive change to bring in a stressless menopause.

Coping with Menopausal Stress with Ayurvedic Principles

Ayurvedic principles teach you how to deal with day-to-day life like a simple, positive human. Science does not just give you herbal remedies and medications. Still, it incorporates lifestyle changes, teaching positivity and acceptance and aligning a self-love and care routine with your current life. 

As genetics speak a lot about how you may be quite different from someone else regarding health and illness, ayurvedic principles of individuality given in terms of Prakriti say that your menopausal stress level can only be managed by how your Prakriti behaves.  

Balancing the doshas according to the natural changes in your body and mind needs an evaluation concerning your surroundings, too.

In the coming sections, let us briefly break down the Ayurvedic strategies for managing menopause-related stress.

Ayurvedic Stress Management During Menopause

Balancing Hormones with Doshas

The principle of Ayurveda firstly focuses on balancing the doshas, reflected by balancing your hormones. So, let's check how your body reflects the dosha imbalance with symptoms and how to bring them back into balance.

DoshaImbalance in SymptomsHow to Balance 
VataAnxiety, restlessness, scattered thoughts, sense of insecurity and fear
  • Establish a routine.
  • Engage in gentle physical activities.
  • Slow down and practise deep breathing.
  • Choose warmth in food and lifestyle.
PittaIrritability, frustration, tendency towards anger and impatience, perfectionist tendencies
  • Take breaks to relax and understand the situation
  • Practise activities that promote calmness
  • Spend time with nature
KaphaLethargy, detachment, excessive sleep and depressive mood
  • Engage in regular movements and physical activity.
  • Maintain a routine to accept and adopt changes.
  • Try doing different new things.

Additional self-care practices to balance doshas in general are: 

  1. Practise mindfulness and meditation
  2. Take adequate rest
  3. Go for routine mental detoxification
  4. Consider reaching out for natural herbal supplements or medications

Stress-Relieving Ayurvedic Practices for Effective Menopause Management

By practising ayurvedic stress relieving practices, which focus on calming the mind and supporting overall well-being, you can easily manage your stress during menopause. Take the following steps to add to your Ayurvedic routine for emotional well-being during menopause.


Ayurvedic meditation techniques cultivate an inner peace with mindfulness, focused breathing and mantra meditation.

Deep Breathing

Pranayama, or deep breathing, soothes your nervous system, reduces the stress hormones, and gives you mental clarity. 

Herbal Remedies

Some adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, Brahmi and Tulsi help your body adapt to stress and promote relaxation.

Therapeutic Techniques

Ayurvedic external therapies like pouring a stream of medication on your forehead and retaining medications in the centre of your head act well in calming yourself as well as improving your overall mental health.

Following Ayurvedic Mode of Life - Sleep, Exercise, and Diet

Ayurvedic way of life gives you a dose of everything in your day-to-day routine. From interacting with nature, maintaining good sleep patterns, daily exercise, and practising balanced dietary practices to changing how you interact with your surroundings, an Ayurvedic way of life will soothe your inner nerves.

Understanding the relationship between your day-to-day activity and body stress is essential when you manage menopausal stress. The ayurvedic strategies for managing menopause-related stress help regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, that is, in simple words, the connection between the mind and body. 

The flight and fight hormone response calms down when you engage yourself in balance with nature and start understanding the rhythm of your body with the rhythm of nature. 

5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Menopausal Stress Reduction

Even though you use a lot of herbs and spices in your daily diet, adding these ayurvedic herbs to your menopausal routine will give you the stressless boost you are looking for. 

HerbsScientific NameUses
ShatavariAsparagus racemosus
  • Improves adrenal health.
  • Balances production of adrenal cortisol.
Chaste Tree BerryVitex-agnus castus
  • Impact dopamine levels.
  • Harmoising effect on hormones from pituitary glands.
Black cohoshActaea racemosa
  • Supports healthy dopamine and serotonin levels.
AshwagandhaWithania somnifera
  • Improves sleep and mood balance.
Brahmi Bacopa monnieri
  • Help in balancing the mental health.
  • Gives you good reasoning power, and memory boost.

Try these ayurvedic herbs in different healthy ayurvedic recipes. Contact our Ayurvedic menopausal health experts to learn the details. 


Ayurveda provides a comprehensive and personalised approach to managing stress and other menopausal symptoms. Adding ayurvedic principles allows you to balance your lifestyle and start a calm and composed menopausal journey. Your emotions are the key to your healthy well-being. Get menopause symptom relief through Ayurvedic techniques.

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Dr. Bhavya

She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.