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Say Goodbye to Sallow Skin: Ayurvedic Face Glow Tips


medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Chandran

Dr. Bhavya

Updated on August 29, 2024

Did you know that your skin's appearance could indicate your overall health? In Ayurveda, glowing, healthy skin is described in two words: "Chaya" and "Prabha." Chaya means the complexion you see from nearby, and Prabha translates to "radiance" or "lustre." These terms refer to the healthy glow of the skin. 

It's not just about having clear skin but about skin reflecting inner health and vitality.
Your skin condition could be a sign of an underlying health problem. Sallow skin, for instance, is characterised by a yellowish tinge and a dull appearance.

This article will explore the underlying causes of sallow skin and how you can address the condition.

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What is Sallow Skin, and How Do You Identify It?

What is sallow skin? Is it just another skin issue, or is there something deeper than skin to it? Sallow skin occurs when your skin loses its natural complexion, appearing unhealthy and dull. Many mistake sallow skin for ageing skin, but the truth is that the underlying causes for both are different. 

Your skin may become dull and lose its suppleness when the skin ages, but it becomes sallow when there is an underlying internal imbalance in your body.

Did you know that sallowness can appear in other parts of the body besides your face? Yes, sallowness can be seen all over your skin. 

The causes of sallow skin can be many, such as;

  • Poor circulation (eg-Anaemia)
  • Dehydration
  • Sun damage
  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Environmental pollution
  • Chronic smoking

Did someone ever tell you that you have sallow skin? Check it out for yourself!

To identify whether you have sallow skin, Check if your skin has become pale or dull compared to your natural skin tone in different parts. Sallow skin will have an uneven tone and lack brightness.

The variations in skin colour differ in different people.

  • If you have a pink or fair skin tone, your sallow skin will have a yellowish tone.
  • If your normal skin tone is olive or warmer, your sallow skin tone will be brownish.
  • If you have a darker skin tone, you may notice minimal changes in skin colour or an uneven yellow shade if you have sallow skin.

At Nirvana, experts discuss different aspects and changes of your body and provide a list of ayurvedic beauty tips for glowing skin.

Understanding the Perspective of Ayurveda for Glowing Skin 

Are you tired of trying different skincare products for your sallow skin without getting the desired results? Then, you must evaluate what makes up your skin and what helps you reflect your bright complexion.

Dr. Nyshu Ahmend, Ayurveda consultant at Nirva, explains how inner health can bring changes in your skin.

"Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas influence skin health in different ways. Linear nourishment of Dhatus (bodily tissues), with Rasa (plasma) being the foundation, plays an important role in avoiding sallow skin. For this, you must maintain a good Agni (digestive fire) and  proper nutrient absorption."

Overall, your gut is the way to bright, beautiful skin.

According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in different doshas (body bio-energy) causes changes to glowing skin.  

  • Vata (Air and Ether) Imbalance: When imbalanced, Vata can lead to dry, rough, and thin skin. 
  • Pitta (Fire and Water) Imbalance: Pitta imbalance can manifest as oily, flushed, or sensitive skin. It can also lead to hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone.
  • Kapha (Earth and Water) Imbalance: Kapha imbalance can cause pale, oily, or congested skin. People with Kapha dominance may have a naturally lighter complexion.

By understanding the Ayurvedic perspective on skin health and the role of doshas and dhatus, you can work towards achieving Prabha (radiance) and a healthy, vibrant complexion. 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Glowing Skin

Just as mentioned above, when you try an Ayurvedic remedy, it's not just about the one remedy. Your focus must be on a holistic approach - both external and internal nourishment. Here are some remedies you can explore.


Triphala: Triphala helps detoxify the body and improve digestion, potentially reducing Ama (built-up toxins) and promoting Prabha.

Neem: Neem is an excellent blood purifier with anti-inflammatory properties. Neem is beneficial in Pitta-related sallowness.

Manjistha: This herb supports liver function and blood purification. Manjistha helps improve your microcirculation, bringing nutrition to every nook and corner of your skin.


Sandalwood Paste: Sandalwood has cooling properties and helps soothe Pitta-related inflammation that can cause sallowness. Mix it with rosewater for a calming face pack.

Kumkumadi Tailam and Nalpamaradi Thailam: These oil blends are known for their skin-brightening properties and can help reduce hyperpigmentation, which contributes to sallowness.

Turmeric Paste: Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and blood-purifying properties can benefit Pitta-related sallowness. Mix it with honey for a gentle face mask.

This is not all. You must always pair your ayurvedic glow skin home remedies with lifestyle changes. Otherwise, the treatment is incomplete.


Diet: To have glowing skin, you must always consume a balanced, ayurvedic diet. A diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables does wonders by adding enough nutrients to your blood. Include healthy fats like ghee, avocado, and olive oil for moisture retention and cell regeneration. Reducing processed foods, sugar, and excessive caffeine is your first ayurvedic tip. Processed foods worsen the imbalance of Pitta and Kapha in your skin.

Detoxification: Regular detoxification helps eliminate the built-up toxins in the body. This ayurvedic treatment for clear and glowing skin throws away the toxins that hinder the proper absorption of nutrients into the skin. Gut detoxification through ayurvedic panchakarma detox methods and sweating for skin detoxification play crucial roles in preventing and treating sallow skin.

Sleep: Get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily to allow your body to rejuvenate and support healthy skin. Your skin heals when you get a good night's sleep.

Stress Management: Practise stress-relieving techniques like yoga or meditation to manage Pitta imbalances that can aggravate sallowness. 

Abhyanga (Self-Massage): Regular self-massage with Ayurvedic oils like coconut or sesame oil can improve circulation and nourish the skin. Nothing can beat this ayurveda remedy for glowing skin.

Face Yoga: Regular face yoga exercises will boost circulation and add radiance to your sallow skin! Try simple moves like Lion's Pose and Smiling Fish. Explore a more comprehensive routine in this blog on "face yoga for glowing skin" (LINK)

Best Ayurvedic Glow Skin Home Remedies: DIY

Use a bounty of natural ingredients and practices for a radiant complexion. Here are some DIY home remedy routines you can follow for glowing skin:


  • Hydrating Mask for Balancing Vata

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of milk (Kapha-pacifying) to create a creamy mask. Honey's humectant properties hydrate and whole milk soothes and nourishes.

  • Brightening Mask for Balancing Pitta

Combine 1 tablespoon of gram flour (chickpea flour) with a pinch of turmeric powder. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce hyperpigmentation, while gram flour gently exfoliates.  Apply a thin layer and rinse once dry.

  • Exfoliating Mask for Balancing Kapha

Mix 1 tablespoon oatmeal powder with 1 teaspoon honey and a splash of milk (Kapha-pacifying) for a gentle exfoliating and brightening mask. Oatmeal helps remove excess oil, while honey hydrates. Apply a thin layer and rinse once dry.


  • In Dry Skin of Vata

Warm a tablespoon of sesame oil in your hands and massage gently onto your face. Sesame oil is a natural Vata pacifier and provides deep hydration. Rinse with warm water.

  • Balancing Cleanser for Pitta

Apply a few drops of almond oil to your fingertips and massage onto damp skin. Almond oil is cooling and helps pacify Pitta, removing excess oil without irritation. Rinse thoroughly.

  • In Oily Skin of Kapha

Apply a few drops of coconut oil to your fingertips and massage onto damp skin. Coconut oil, with its Kapha-balancing properties, helps remove excess sebum without stripping natural oils. Rinse thoroughly.


Get a handful of neem leaves (cleansing) or rose petals (soothing) and add them to a pot of boiling water. Drape a towel over your head and create a tent-like structure around the pot. Breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes to allow the steam to open your pores and promote circulation. Close your eyes as you take this face steam. Follow with a gentle cleanser and moisturiser.

When you seek remedies for glowing skin, remember to consult an ayurvedic expert to determine your skin type according to dosha. Always practice patch tests before applying any kind of mask. Remember, regular use is the key to healthy, glowing skin. 

Bonus Tip:  Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within.


Ayurveda may hold the key to achieving radiant and healthy skin! Understanding your unique dosha and incorporating its principles into your daily routine can address imbalances and promote inner well-being, which reflects on your skin. From DIY face masks to Ayurvedic treatments, there's a treasure of natural remedies to explore. And the important part? Consistency is key! Choosing a balanced Ayurvedic approach allows you to journey towards a naturally glowing and healthy complexion that reflects your inner beauty. So, why not give it a try? Connect with Nirva skin health experts now!

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