Medically reviewed by Dr Godmi Tresa
"Bad breath is like a bad song—nobody wants to listen."
Bad breath is also known as halitosis. Halitosis can get embarrassing and frustrating! It can badly affect one's self-esteem and personal relationships. While everyone experiences occasional bad breath, is it considered something that someone should take care of?
Chronic halitosis is a severe problem that can indicate underlying GUT HEALTH and overall well-being issues. If you're seeking expert advice on gut health, you've come to the right place.
Acid reflux, called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is a chronic condition where contents are refluxed from the stomach (gastrum) into the food pipe (oesophagus). To read more about this condition, visit our GERD blog.
Acid reflux and bad breath often co-occur.
Is this the sole reason for your bad breath? Then, let's explore this relationship and go through immediate solutions that one can implement to alleviate bad breath.
Research studies say that there is a prevalence of 25% of halitosis in the general population.
The most common causes of halitosis are oral conditions and diseases of the mouth.
A new analysis by scientific researchers has brought out a new classification of halitosis as;
The most common disorders leading to halitosis include the following;
According to the research results, halitosis coexists with symptoms of GERD, such as heartburn, regurgitation, and a sour taste in the mouth.
Additionally, patients with active IBD forms showed an increased incidence of halitosis compared to patients in remission.
People presume that the process may be caused by increased oxidative stress or direct fermentation of products in the diet.
The scholars of Ayurveda have related almost all the health issues in the human body to indigestion.
Ayurveda considers vitiation of digestive fire/agni to be the root cause of diseases.
According to Ayurvedic experts, GERD results from improper digestive health, resulting in repeated sour eructations, known as Amlapitta.
Amla means sour, and Pitta is the metabolic bioenergy of your body. When the normal Pitta gets fermented and attains a sour taste, the resultant is Amlapitta.
This undigested food substance and food regurgitation are the reasons for bad breath in the presence of acid reflux.
"Oral hygiene or the condition of your tongue and oral health is always correlated with your gut health. If you have bad breath and no other visible cause, we can determine that it results from indigestion. This indigestion leads to the collection of metabolic toxins called 'Aama' in Ayurveda, which reflects as bad breath."
Dr. Vindhya, Ayurveda Consultant, Specialised in gut health issues
Your olfactory sense is highly effective at detecting and distinguishing between scents that may be hazardous, such as smoke, and those that are pleasurable, such as the aroma of your favourite dish cooking. However, as your sense of smell adjusts to familiar scents, they fade into the background and become less noticeable unless they threaten your well-being.
Since you get constantly exposed to the scent of your breath, which is not considered a hazard, your olfactory system adapts and no longer detects it.
You must be familiar with the old trick of breathing into and smelling your hand, as shown in TV shows. However, in contrast to Hollywood's portrayal, this method could be more reliable.
The more effective way to manually assess your breath is to lick the inside of your wrist and smell it. The scent of your breath on your skin will be clearer and more visible to your nose. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that even this technique may be partially foolproof.
If you suspect that your breath may be terrible, there are some methods you can use to confirm this:
You can ask a trusted friend to tell you if your breath is fresh or not. You can also use a tongue scraper, which will help you both identify and reduce bad breath. You can determine whether your breath is odorous by scraping the back of your tongue, which is often a source of bad breath, and smelling the scraper. If you find any unpleasant smell, consider including tongue brushing or scraping into your daily oral hygiene routine.
Use a small piece of medical gauze to wipe your tongue and then smell the gauze to determine how your tongue smells.
Here, you exhale into an airtight bag several times and then smell the bag to determine the odour of your breath.
Use unflavored floss to clean between your teeth and under the gum line, and then smell the floss to determine the odour of the space between your teeth.
The Halimeter test, for instance, measures the level of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) in your breath, which are caused by bacterial overgrowth in the mouth or bowel. Typically, VSC measurements above 100 parts per billion suggest bad breath.
You can buy a halimeter to check your breath, but it's a good idea to ask your Dentist for advice first.
Your Dentist will use a plastic straw to check your breath. This method is called the organoleptic method. The Dentist will usually compare your exhalations from your nose to those from your mouth to decide. Remember that these tests may only sometimes produce consistent results, so it's best to ask your Dentist which type would be most appropriate for you.
Did you know that if your breath smells sour, it can be due to the underlying issues of your gut? It is an identified suggestion that you suffer from GERD-related lousy breath.
“Whenever I used to take coffee, the after-effect was a horrible smell from my mouth. It was so embarrassing. This made me skip coffee dates. I did not know my indigestion and acid reflux was causing my bad breath.” - Nirva Client.
Let's see how Nirva fixes such problems for the clients.
In the long term, addressing the root cause of acid reflux is essential, rather than just treating the symptoms. Identifying and treating the primary problem can ease the discomfort associated with acid reflux and prevent it from happening again. Therefore, it is important to work with your healthcare provider to determine the cause of your GERD/reflux and develop a complete treatment plan that addresses it.
The changes may involve lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, medication, or other therapies, depending on the underlying cause and individual needs.
Here is a quick tip from Nirva health experts:
Take one teaspoon of dried ginger powder, mix it with a teaspoon of ghee, and consume it 10 minutes before food.
While bad breath may seem minor, it can have crucial social and emotional effects. Imagine you being on a first date or job interview and self-conscious about your breath - not a confidence booster!
Did you know?
Writings dating back to 1550 BC made reference to halitosis, another term for foul breath. Ancient Egyptians utilised aromatic spices and herbs, such as frankincense, myrrh, and cinnamon, to freshen their breath.
Bad breath can also be a symptom of respiratory infections, liver and kidney problems, gum disease, and other underlying medical treatments. You can seek medical help to improve your breath and identify and treat any underlying problems.
The next time you reach for a mint or breath freshener, remember that bad breath is more than just an inconvenience. It is a long-standing and occasionally serious health problem that needs to be addressed.
Determining the exact cause of bad breath can be difficult. Still, if you have persistent bad breath despite maintaining good oral hygiene, it could come from your stomach or other parts of your digestive system.
One way to identify if your bad breath is coming from your stomach is to pay attention to when it occurs. It could be a sign of stomach-related halitosis if your breath is terrible after eating certain foods or when you're hungry. Additionally, if you experience other digestive symptoms, such as bloating, gas, or stomach pain, these symptoms could contribute to your bad breath. For the same, it is essential to improve gut health naturally.
If you have permanently bad breath, seeking medical attention is essential to identify and address the underlying cause. A healthcare professional can thoroughly examine your mouth, teeth, and gums and may also conduct tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
In the meantime, maintaining good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly, can help reduce the severity of bad breath. Additionally, staying hydrated, avoiding tobacco products, and limiting consuming foods and drinks that cause bad breath can help improve the situation.
Yes, certain foods can make your breath smell bad. For instance, foods like onions, garlic, spices, and beverages like coffee can contribute to temporary bad breath. Once these foods are digested and eliminated from the body, the odours are also typically eliminated.
It's true that most people suffer from bad breath at some point. It is also important to note that chronic halitosis is a more severe condition. Bad breath can sometimes be a symptom of underlying health conditions such as respiratory infections, digestive disorders or metabolic diseases. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if bad breath persists despite proper oral hygiene
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is the key to fresh breath. Brushing twice a day, cleaning your tongue, staying hydrated, flossing daily, avoiding dry mouth and consulting a dentist for any dental issues can help to prevent bad breath. If you suffer from chronic halitosis even after maintaining good oral health, consult a healthcare professional and seek help.
Dr. Bhavya
She offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise in these areas allows her to provide comprehensive care for various conditions, from musculoskeletal disorders to stress-related illnesses. She is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their health and well-being. Her proactive approach to healthcare emphasises the importance of preventive measures and natural remedies.