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Menopause and Heart Health Guide: Lowering Risk Factors


medically reviewed by Dr Godmi Tresa

Dr J S S Dev

Updated on May 11, 2024

Menopause is a significant period in the life of a woman. It marks the end of her reproductive years. The most crucial aspect of menopause is the reproductive hormonal changes. These changes can impact overall health, including heart health.

Acquiring the knowledge of these changes and their effects is crucial to pass through a healthy menopausal stage. Strategically designing your lifestyle and habits can help control the impact on your heart. Read on to learn more tips on protecting your heart during this phase.

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Understanding the Connection Between Menopause and Heart Health

As stated in the above section, menopause can affect your heart health. The critical way of influence is hormonal fluctuations. However, other factors during menopause can also affect your heart health. 

Let's take a look at some of how menopausal changes can affect your heart health:

Estrogen And Heart

  • Estrogen maintains the flexibility of blood vessels. 
  • It promotes vasodilation, which is the relaxation of blood vessels. 
  • It helps to regulate blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
  • Our body has good cholesterol(HDL) and bad cholesterol(LDL). Estrogen helps increase HDL levels and decrease LDL levels.
  • Decrease in fibrosis, angiogenesis and vasodilation stimulation, mitochondrial function enhancement and oxidative stress reduction.

Effects of Hormonal Changes

  • During menopause, estrogen level decreases, leading to changes in blood vessel structure and functions. 
  • These might lead to the hardening and thickening of arterial walls, resulting in the narrowing of arteries.
  • Changes in hormone levels can cause increased LDL levels and decreased HDL levels in the body. It is not a healthy condition for your heart.

Increased Risk Factors

  • Risks of high blood pressure increase after menopause, which affects your heart.
  • Many women experience weight gain after menopause. It increases the risk of increased blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.

Metabolic Changes

  • Hormonal changes after menopause lead to increased risk of insulin resistance. It can lead to developing diabetes.

Inflammatory Process

  • The decreased oestrogen levels can lead to increased inflammation in the body.
  • Constant inflammation can cause cardiovascular problems.

Importance of Normal Blood Pressure for Heart Health During Menopause


Blood pressure range is the significant marker indicating your heart health. After considering blood pressure, health professionals can only design therapies and medicines for individuals. 

Here are some ways in which high blood pressure can affect your heart health during the menopause stage:

  • High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for developing heart disease, stroke and other heart-related problems.
  • High blood pressure makes the heart work more. It can strain your heart. Maintaining normal blood pressure ensures your heart doesn't need to pump excessively.
  • Normal blood pressure reduces the risk of atherosclerosis (a disease condition where arteries become narrow and hardened).
  • High blood pressure causes damage to vital organs such as the brain, kidneys, etc. Normal blood pressure ensures a reduced risk of organ damage.
  • High blood pressure is the leading cause of developing stroke. Normal blood pressure ensures healthy blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of developing stroke.

Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure During Menopause

Knowing the normal blood pressure range is essential for you. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg.

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Here are some ways in which you can constantly monitor and maintain a normal healthy blood pressure:

  1. You should be aware of the symptoms which indicate high blood pressure like severe headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and chest pain.
  2. Regularly monitor your blood pressure levels. Further, it would help if you addressed any significant changes immediately.
  3. You can use home blood pressure monitors.
  4. Opt for a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, stress management, and limiting sodium intake.
  5. If you suffer from high blood pressure, make sure you take medications promptly as directed by your health care professional.
  6. Obesity can increase your risk of developing increased blood pressure. Always maintain a healthy weight by following a healthy lifestyle.

Strategies for Heart-Healthy Living During Menopause

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The main aim of this blog is to empower you with tips and strategies for a healthy heart during menopause. You can make simple and effective changes in your lifestyle, diet and habits to protect your heart. These changes may seem simple and insignificant, but they impact your overall health and well-being in the long run.

Heart Healthy Diet

  • Include antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like berries, citrus, and leafy green vegetables. These can protect your heart from oxidative stress.
  • Include fibre-rich food in your diet. Consume whole grains, legumes, nuts, etc to boost fibre intake. Fibre helps to regulate cholesterol levels and promote heart health.
  • Add avocados, olive oil, fatty fish, and other foods. These are sources of healthy fats. Healthy fats help regulate cholesterol levels.
  • You can include daily heart-friendly ayurvedic teas like Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), guduchi (heart-leaved moon seed), guduchi (giloy), and punarnava (hogweed).

Regular Exercise

  • Engage in activities like jogging, brisk walking, swimming or cycling. These are aerobic exercise routines that help increase your heart health.
  • Include strength training in your workout routine. It helps enhance your muscle mass and strength. It supports cardiovascular health.

Stress Reduction

  • Practise deep breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, etc, to induce stress reduction.
  • Include meditation and mindfulness in your daily life routine. These reduce stress and promote heart health.
  • Yoga combines physical activities and stress reduction techniques. Yoga has positive effects on heart health.

Stop Smoking

  • If you are a regular smoker, take steps to quit smoking. Seek support from friends or support groups.
  • The risk of heart disease will decrease within a short period after quitting.

Regular Check-Ups

  • Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor.
  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other cardiovascular risk factors.
  • Always discuss your menopausal symptoms with your doctor. It helps to cater for personalised monitoring.


  • Make sure to stay well hydrated always. Adequate hydration helps to maintain blood volume.

To Conclude

Taking care of your heart health throughout your life is essential. But during menopause, you must give your heart health extra consideration. Reading this blog, you must have learned how menopause can affect your heart health. Now, it's time for action. You prioritise your health and change your lifestyle, diet, and habits to keep yourself healthy. With the right choices, you can lower the chances of heart issues. Caring for your heart can lead to a healthier and happier life during and after menopause.

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